Good afternoon EVERYONE! I honestly don't know where to start. Maybe because my next snack is battling with the attention of what I would like to type. Not that I've been overeating, but lets just say my selection of cuisine over this quarantine process has been less functional and more self gratifying. All the while I am reminding myself that the KEY to getting through this process is indeed BUILDING THE IMMUNE SYSTEM SOOOOO...... More water and clear fluids, minimal dairy and sugars, less processed foods, more whole and natural foods. Yes. YES WE HAVE THAT UNDERSTANDING. And I've done decent with this. But honestly for every salad I've eaten, I've also had a piece of fried chicken. For every savory healthy herbal bowl of soup I've eaten I've also had a chocolate chunk cookie. I guess the enabler in me says BALANCE IS KEY RIGHT? But the "wanna do better" part of me says 'SIS YOU TRIPPING!!!'. AND you won't find any magic advice here. I have plans to improve just as much as I have plans to murder a chicken box in the near future. I don't have the solution. I wanna say that Madame D iscipline has resided in my soul and has taken off her boots but NO, that is not the case right now so.... Until she does I have to take it one day at a time. I wish to not seek comfort via my palate but truth is, this place in my life is all about self gratification. Self discipline is side eyeing the f**k outta me but she still has hope in me. I mean, we collab on many things but food has not always been one of those things. So all I will say is eat well my friends. Meditate and dance. This quarantine is doing a number on even the most "mentally stable" of us or, those who claim to be. Be gentle with yourself and others, but in the meanwhile, stay safe and OPTIMISTIC. I'll be speaking with you all soon. Peace.
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